We are both from North Central Washington, the most beautiful place on god's green earth. We have been married for two years as of June 25th, no kids yet and no plans for any in the near future. We live against the grain. We don't want to be just another pair of lemmings who follow after the meaningless goals of money and more "stuff". We want to be more self sufficient, connected with the natural world, our food, communities and God.
I'm the daughter of a single mother and sister to my only brother. I grew up in a family of self proclaimed Hill-Billies with a passel of (mostly) boy cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and adopted family. I grew up with bluegrass, pottery shops, every variety of animal you can think of, barbequed salmon, pantries full of canned, cured, fermented and pickled foods, hanging deer, kerosene lamps, wood cook stoves and outhouses.
I am the first women in my direct line to
finish high school and go on to college. I'm a student at The Evergreen State College just outside of Olympia, Wa. It's an amazing place filled with people who want to build community and educate people. I have learned so much from my time there so far. The most important thing for you to understand about me is that I love science and I love God. To most people those are contradicting statements, however I see how science just proved God more and more. Learning, teaching, gardening, everything animals, nutrition, cooking, canning-preserving food in general, writing, reading, drawing and water painting are some of my largest interests. I also love having company, unfortunately where we live now that's not possible and I really miss having visitors.
My husband, AJ, is the oldest of a family of four. He also comes from a big family of country folks. He can do anything he puts his mind to and is always teaching himself something or wanting to learn something. He is a thrill seeker, and accidents seem to follow him around like his best friend... oddly enough none of his "big" accidents were really because of his thrill seeking. In 2007 he fell down a 35 ft dry well while working on a job in California. He was even on the news! He only got a compressed vertebrae from it, people die falling that far.
Then, August 2012 he fell again, off a cliff while hiking. or more precisely he slipped and then fell. AJ would like to add that he slipped "while descending", he was only 150 yards or so from the truck when he fell. What's that thing about most car accidents happen within so many miles of home? Maybe the same applies to hiking accidents.
He wasn't so lucky this time. He wasn't falling into the bottom of a well onto dirt either, he fell partially onto a rock at the bottom of a waterfall. If just one thing has been different he probably would have died that day. He didn't hit his head or pass out. The huge gash on his wrist just missed his artery and tendon and there were people there when he fell. He did however break his hip. AJ had to be in bed with a brace for 12 weeks; then on crutches in the brace for probably just as long. He then progressed to just crutches, to a cane and now he rarely uses the cane.*It's November 2013 and as best we can recall AJ Hasn't used his cane since July* His thrill seeking days are over, for the most part, so he says. I don't believe that for a minute.
Would you like to get to know us a little better? Here are some posts to read, enjoy!
Our Love Story
Learning to Make Knives
Our 4th: Conceal carry, RWC and cops
The Value of Family
Posing Pumpkins and The Garlic Diamond Stone
In 240sq ft: Real Food The Small Way
Liebster Award
Once Upon a Time there was this guy...
I'm the daughter of a single mother and sister to my only brother. I grew up in a family of self proclaimed Hill-Billies with a passel of (mostly) boy cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and adopted family. I grew up with bluegrass, pottery shops, every variety of animal you can think of, barbequed salmon, pantries full of canned, cured, fermented and pickled foods, hanging deer, kerosene lamps, wood cook stoves and outhouses.
finish high school and go on to college. I'm a student at The Evergreen State College just outside of Olympia, Wa. It's an amazing place filled with people who want to build community and educate people. I have learned so much from my time there so far. The most important thing for you to understand about me is that I love science and I love God. To most people those are contradicting statements, however I see how science just proved God more and more. Learning, teaching, gardening, everything animals, nutrition, cooking, canning-preserving food in general, writing, reading, drawing and water painting are some of my largest interests. I also love having company, unfortunately where we live now that's not possible and I really miss having visitors.
Then, August 2012 he fell again, off a cliff while hiking. or more precisely he slipped and then fell. AJ would like to add that he slipped "while descending", he was only 150 yards or so from the truck when he fell. What's that thing about most car accidents happen within so many miles of home? Maybe the same applies to hiking accidents.

We know how blessed we are!
Would you like to get to know us a little better? Here are some posts to read, enjoy!
Our Love Story
Learning to Make Knives
Our 4th: Conceal carry, RWC and cops
The Value of Family
Posing Pumpkins and The Garlic Diamond Stone
In 240sq ft: Real Food The Small Way
Liebster Award
Once Upon a Time there was this guy...
Hopped over to check you out since leaving a comment on my blog. Loved the part about loving science and God. I homeschool my children and when learning about the human body especially, I can hardly conceive of a doctor who doesn't believe in God.
ReplyDeleteI agree! I find that every new thing I learn about how a body works or the natural world in general makes me more impressed with gods infinite wisdom. I hope you will come again! By the way, I'm really enjoying York Zoo so far, I will be back!