Pasta Maker Gush & A Lasagna Recipe to Die For

Wayyy back in September I turned the ripe old age of 22....
Don't worry, I'm kidding. Not about the birthday- but about being old, I know I'm a spring chicken! 
To celebrate we went mushroom hunting and enjoyed some time in the great outdoors together. 

My mother-in-law and her mom got together and gave me a pasta maker and all the accessories as a birthday gift. Talk about exciting! My husband was actually even more excited than I was, he dropped so many hints I figured out what it was way before the package showed up. I love my honey but he is really bad at keeping a secret!

Here it is in all its stainless steel glory.


We made linguini and stuffed ourselves. Sadly, soon after that our chickens stopped laying for the year so we haven't been able to use it since. If you haven't yet had homemade pasta I highly encourage you to make some. The packaged stuff is not even comparable with pasta made at home with rich pastured eggs. Just be warned, eating homemade pasta might ruin you on store bought, there may be no going back!!!

This pasta maker and all the accessories can be found here. There are also different colors so you can find something that matches your kitchen and style. This brand is really high quality. You can feel how heavy it is and see that it's made to last, we are talking "pass it down to the grandkids" kind of quality.

Here are links for the drying rack, ravioli press and spaghetti attachment. The attachment you see pictured with the wide and narrow pasta cutter in one came with my pasta maker, I can't seem to find it for sale singularly but here's the Linguini Attachment and Angel Hair Attachment, which are the equivalent as far as I can tell.

Now, onto the lasagna. I made this before I knew I was getting a pasta maker for my birthday, all by hand.  It really isn't hard to do you just have to be careful not to break the noodles when rolling the dough out. This particular recipe is from the Smitten Kitchen. It is the best lasagna I have ever eaten. No comparison. This is coming from someone who has eaten Italian food cooked by someone who is only two generations from the mother land. It uses a bechamel sauce instead of ricotta and that, and the homemade pasta, are what makes this awesome.  Trust me, once you try it you will understand why.

The chickens are finally laying enough eggs again to make pasta; I am so excited I could do a happy dance!
That's all folks: now you have an awesome recipe to try and a reason to eat lots of pasta (pasta maker + awesome eggs), if you will excuse me, I'm going to go make some pasta, maybe even lasagna!
This post is participating in the Homestead Barn Hop and Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways blog Hop, check them out to find other great blogs like ours!


  1. YUM! I want to make pasta so badly but it is something that I know that I have to buy all the fun stuff in order to make it. I might have to add that to my Christmas list for next year but I was thinking about going with canning stuff because I need a pressure cooker. It is a toss up but that lasagna looks yummy!

    1. Both my pressure canner and pasta maker were gifts, if I was buying them I would definitely go with the pressure canner, way more important! But hey, it can't hurt to add the pasta maker to your wish list, right? ;) AND you can totally make pasta without a pasta maker, it just takes longer and is way more of a work out. Of course, I wouldn't try to make spaghetti or anything small like that, just wide pastas. Nice to hear from you again! P.S. the lasagna is SO yummy!

  2. I have seen over ten of those pasta makers at thrift stores over this last year. We got my husbands same way many years ago. Way cheaper they are out there.

    1. I wish we had pasta makers at thrift stores around here! If this hadn't been a gift I probably wouldn't have got it unless it came from a thrift store. I will say though, you have to take special care of these and I would be worried about picking up just any ol' used pasta maker, you would want to check it over carefully for rust and loose parts. Thanks for visiting!


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