-Week 6 and 7 in Review-

I'm doing two weeks in one so I can get caught up!
Basically all we did this week was catch up with house work after getting back from our trip home. On or way over I got an email from amazon letting me know I was excepted into the amazon affiliates program, which means I can start to making money off the blog! It's not going to "pay the bills" anytime soon but every little bit helps. If you would like to learn more about this check out the Advertising and Affiliate Links page.

The kittens are fully mobile and doing great with the litter box already. They are so much fun to watch, I find myself laughing and smiling all the time because of these little guys. There are three boys and one little girl, the herring bone tabby is the girl. 

I have taken to calling this kitten fuzzy face, can you tell why? He is already learning his name, oops! Maybe I should give him a better one than Fuzzy Face. This guy is a snuggle bug, he crawls up on the bed to sleep with us more than any of the other kittens. He is going to make someone an awesome pet *hint hint*!

Last week, before we left, I made two batches of birdie bread. I plan on doing a post about birdie bread in the nearish future, stay tuned!

 The most exciting thing I have to tell you is that we have chickens again! We brought back 17 chickens:  buckeyes, marans, barnevelders, silkies, cochins and mutts of various breeds. A friend is planning on pitching in on feed in exchange for eggs and free chicken cuddle time. We will be looking for anyone who want to save  "chicken safe" scraps for us in exchange for a dozen eggs after so many scraps. I'm sill working out the details, if you are interested let me know!

I have heard from a few people out in the "real world" (yes I'm talking about you!) that they read Life From Scratch but feel funny about commenting. Well, come out and say something! Even if all you do is tell me that you really enjoyed a post or liked some photos, I appreciate every single comment and visit to the blog. It's hard to know what to write about or if you guys are enjoying the blog if you don't say anything.  
That's about it folks. As always, those of you that read, follow, comment, Pin or any combination; thank you!
Kindest regards

mom and grandmas gardens

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