-Week 1 in Review-

Hi everyone !
I plan to have general weekly updates every Friday. It will let you know what happened that week and what to expect in the next.

I’m happy to report my husband is back safe and sound, see the pretty flowers (knives too!)  he brought me! He is overflowing with knife making knowledge. I am trying to direct that gush of information into a post instead of my poor brain. After he just launched into a description of how pounding steel is different when it’s hot I gave him his laptop…

In the short time he has been back he made himself a holster for his pistol out of an old pair of leather shoes! I think it's impressive, but he says it's not good enough for him to write a post about. It might not be the "prettiest" holster but considering that it's totally functional, made for almost free and comfortable I think it's still worthy of a post. If you want a post about the shoe holster you will have to convince him to write one.

Now that he’s back I can do all kinds of other posts that need a doer and a picture taker. A friend of ours gave us two CorishX hens who we will be butchering soon; there will be a post about that. The landlords also gave us the ok to milk their cows whenever we like so you can expect some dairy good making related post next week and probably the week after that.

 I am still figuring out how to organize the blog so there will likely be a lot more formatting changes next week. I had no idea HTML was so important. Figuring out how to write or change code and how all this internet stuff really works is way out of my comfort zone. I would love it if someone would work a trade out with us for a little help in that particular area- hint, hint!  My biggest goals for next week are to finish formatting and have “About” pages up. We love your comments, thoughts, suggestions and questions. You are what make a blog into a community, which is the goal! 
Oh, and don't forget to vote for the post you want to see next!
Kindest regards


  1. Learning to write your own code can be a bit daunting at first, but it can be so addicting. I use to hand code (notepad) my website. It was a fun hobby, but it can be time consuming. I'll send you a message on FB.

  2. Sounds like you were good at it! I'm excited to learn whatever I can from you! What was your website for?


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