Here are all our critters!
Andy |
Eucalyptus |
Both of these guys came from a rescue. We got Andy last summer after we lost my Green Cheeked Conure, Basil. I thought we would wait before we got another parrot but I realized our home just wasn't the same without their cheerful noise, play and mess-making. Cockatiels are pretty laid back and quiet birds. Very different from conures; who are very high energy, loud and playful. We added Eucalyptus this spring, who has just stopped lunging at us. He has a long way to go before he will be as sweet as Andy. They both sing lovely songs, eat chop with gusto (usually) and enjoy almonds.
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Paisley |
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blackie in a pizza box |
Blacky and AJ taking their nap |
This is my little love bug, hellion, maker of most messes, crinklier of blinds and race-track kitty. He has two modes, calm sweet love bug and run fast, crazy-eyed playing. Now, because of the heat we have discovered another mode: zombie kitty. Where he may or may not decide to attach himself to your ankle and lays prostrate on whatever cold surface he can find. This was one of those instances where the animal picks the person. As a kitten he would be playing and run to me, climb his way up, grab my face with his itty-bitty paws and love bite-kiss my chin. It was the funniest most surprising thing I have ever had a cat do to me. He has grown out of the habit but he's still very persistent about giving affection.
Cal pronounced "chaul" |
She is good at that job but her true calling in life is loving people. From what I have read about Anatolians that is an atypical personality trait. She is still territorial around new people and even had had a few she doesn't like but for the most part she is head of the meet-and-great committee. Cal especially loves children, which is great considering she is a hundred plus pounds.
Trying to photograph rabbits without posing them pretty much ends up this way; blurry shots of up close heads and running away behinds.
At the moment we have rabbits mainly for meat; we do sell them if you are interested. We have a meat buck, french lop doe, a castor rex buck, and we want to get a really nice castor doe for breeding. I love the rex breed. Not only do they have amazing fur but they make good meat rabbits, have sweet personalities and I think are smarter then your run of the mill rabbit.
Santiam, castor rex buck |
Behemoth, french lop |
grey boy, new zealand/checkered giant/god knows what mix |
Black rex doe |