About Life From Scratch

self sufficiency...

                 .. . Life from scratch
When people find out about all the things from scratch I have made, animals we have raised and butchered and the skills we and our family know it often starts a conversation. They want to learn, and I always want to teach them. But many of the things they want to learn either need to be learned hands on, with very good illustrations, or there is so much to teach that when we finish the conversation  they have more questions than answers. 

 Starting Life From Scratch is my partial answer to that dilemma. There will of course be things that are really just about our life but this blogs' purpose is to share what we know how to do with you. The sorts of things you will find here are often referred to as homesteading. I grew up with many of these skills and we never talked about them as homesteading. We talking a lot about self sufficiency and the satisfaction in a thing done right and with your own skill and labor. As an adult I have also realized the importance of community. These sorts of lifestyles are depend on a functional community because of that I want this blog to somehow serve to create community as well. How exactly that will happen is yet to be seen but part of that it by you leaving comments, replying to the comments of others, being vocal about what you want to learn about and care about. I will make an effort to reply to all emails and comments as soon as possible; in most cases by the end of the next day.   
 Want to learn a little more? Read about my food philosophy.

 Current blogging schedule

Look for new posts:
Thursday Evening through Monday

I very likely will still post other days of the week. My blogging schedule will change with whatever is going on, check back ever so often to see if anything has changed. 

If you have any ideas, comments, concerns or questions; let us know!